Yoga Therapy
As a Yoga Therapy educator in the treatment of osteoporosis, Beata believes the most effective treatments are those that work with the whole person, not just the dis-ease. Her programs take a nurturing approach to motivating lifestyle changes while always directly incorporating the Five Points of Yoga. Because suffering occurs not only on the physical plane, Beata's treatments will always include meditative programs and an emphasis on diet and relaxation to help rebuild and rejuvenate.
Why Yoga Therapy?
Therapeutic Recreation and Yoga Therapists treat individuals who may have difficulty participating fully in their chosen activities in life. Working with a trained therapist like Beata can improve physical and cognitive abilities, and foster greater coping skills, while increasing strength, stability, and confidence, eventually leading to a greater involvement in activities and the community at large. Beata is happy to bring these skills to your local church, long-term care program, rehabilitation program, or even local yoga studios. Contact her directly to bring her to your local community group.
BEST Assessment
for Balance, Endurance and Strength
Beata also designed the BEST Assessment as a diagnostic tool for people with osteopenia and osteoporosis. The BESt Assessment evaluates balance, endurance, and strength, and additionally serves as a tool to help assess each client's posture, stability of movement, breathing, stiffness, and weakness or pain. Combining this specialized evaluation with attention to neurological signs like reflex, coordination, mood, and behaviour can provide a rainbow of hope, marking milestones of improvement and quantifiably evaluating progress. With the BESt Assessment your results can be seen and measured as early as 8 weeks with even only 10-15 minutes of daily prescribed practice.
The International Association of Yoga Therapists (IAYT) define yoga therapy as "the process of empowering individuals to progress toward improved health and wellbeing through the application of the teachings and practices of yoga... The goals of yoga therapy include eliminating, reducing, or managing symptoms that cause suffering; improving function; helping to prevent the occurrence or reoccurrence of underlying causes of illness; and moving toward improved health and wellbeing." Beata is IAYT certified.